CNN is too scared to discuss this religious subject

The reason why CNN is too scared to discuss this topic on religion is because 1 out of 3 non believers who learn about this story start believing in God and that would hurt their rating too much.

To prove this ask 3 people you know who do not believe in God to watch the video below where the topic is discussed. After they watch the video at least 1 or the 3 will believe more in religion and God than before watching it!

Young adults are losing their religion. Are their parents to blame?

Reports of the death of the American church, like that of Mark Twain, have been greatly exaggerated. Plenty of congregations are vibrant and even growing. But in those that are not, there’s a sense that there’s someone to blame, and it’s not uninspiring preachers or organists. It’s the young adults, colloquially known as Generation Z.

Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 aren’t going to church in numbers like their grandparents and great-grandparents did, and the numbers seem to decline every year. And for all that generation’s talk about being spiritual, these young adults aren’t even inclined to pray. Slightly more than a quarter say they pray daily, compared to nearly 70% of Americans who are 60 or older.

Looking at these numbers and others, it’s easy to conclude that Generation Z will be responsible for the death of the church. Over the past decade, the conversation about faith in America has taken a decidedly morbid turn.

However, older Americans who understand the importance of religious communities as a failsafe for a wide range of trouble — to include economic hardship, loneliness and existential despair — are too quick to use the “Kids today!” trope when confronting headlines such as “Gen Z is the least religious generation”.

While these things are true, it’s not Gen Z, but their parents who are to blame. This is a hard truth for the older generations, who earnestly wanted to do right by their kids, even while doing things that would ultimately turn their children away from an institution that offers them companionship, hope and support.

Most young adults who give up on religion do so before they turn 18. In other words, it isn’t that they went to college and were infected with a secular worldview. Their own families did not plant and grow in these young people “a deeply rooted commitment to a set of religious beliefs and practices.”

For as long as we have been able to measure religious commitments, childhood religious experiences have strongly predicted adult religiosity. They still do. If someone had robust religious experiences growing up, they are likely to maintain those beliefs and practices into adulthood. Without robust religious experiences to draw on, Americans feel less connected to the traditions and beliefs of their parents’ faith.

Proverbs 22:6 put that even more succinctly: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

So, why did the parents of Generation Z put less emphasis on going to religious services, praying before meals and other rituals of faith? 

Marketers who are trying to understand the generation in order to sell products should look to the young adults’ parents.

Without even realizing it, Generation Z’s viewpoints … have been shaped by their Generation X parents, who came of age amid a series of crises: Watergate, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Challenger explosion, Rodney King, etc.

Often, the strife was closer to home: Divorce rates spiked in the 1970s, giving rise to neighborhoods full of tough-skinned ‘latchkey kids’ who craved security but rarely found it either at home or, as they grew up, in a more globalized, less-forgiving workplace.

Generation Z’s lack of faith: broken families and autonomous latchkey kids who grew up fast and cynical. There are other factors at play, of course, to include the pressure of extracurricular activities and Sunday sports, increasingly seen as necessary in order to be accepted to prestigious universities. But research on religiosity in family units has clearly shown a strong correlation between strong families and religious faith.

Regular church attendance is less common for fathers than mothers, so kids who see both mothers and fathers regularly attending church are more likely to take their faith seriously compared to kids who see just their mother attend church.

When two religiously observant parents get divorced, however, their children are less likely to be observant themselves. Adults from single-parent families are more likely to disaffiliate from religion altogether and more likely to make a major switch in their religious affiliation. They are also less likely to attend religious services regularly.

However, the effects vary with circumstance, for example, parental divorce has little impact on those whose parents weren’t religiously involved to begin with, and a religiously observant stepparent can compensate for the lack of religious influence by a biological parent.

But there is solid evidence that losing regular access to a religious parent has some religious consequences when the void is unfilled by a stepparent.

Some studies have found that when parents split up, fathers are less likely to do religious activities when their children are with them. That’s not surprising. Women are generally more religious than men, and a mother is more likely to influence a household’s religiosity. But a father’s influence is significant and, as we are now seeing, there may be societal and generational implications when his religious influence is diminished or removed.

You can read the rest of this story by going here.

34 Powerful Prayers

Whether you have had a personal relationship with God for years or you are only beginning to discover who Jesus is, we all need guidance sometimes when it comes to prayers. The obstacle you are facing relates to your health, work, family, relationship, or something else, prayer can provide comfort during the healing process.

Prayer During Doubt

Dear Heavenly Father, I feel in my heart that you might be real, but my mind fills me with doubt. Please help me find the path to you. My heart longs to know that you’re with me. Open my ears and my eyes for signs of you. I want to feel the love and peace that comes from knowing you. I pray this in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Related Bible Verse: John 20:29


Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy. May Your healing hand rest upon me, may your life giving powers flow into every cell of my body and into the depths of my soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring me to wholeness and strength for service in Your Kingdom. Amen.

— Cope by Faith


Merciful Jesus, you are my guide, the joy of my heart, the author of my hope, and the object of my love. I come seeking refreshment and peace. Show me your mercy, relieve my fears and anxieties, and grant me a quiet mind and an expectant heart, that by the assurance of your presence I may learn to abide in you, who is my Lord and my God. Amen.

— Enriching Our Worship 2


Lord Jesus Christ, by your patience in suffering you hallowed earthly pain and gave us the example of obedience to your Father’s will. Be near me in my time of weakness and pain; sustain me by your grace, that my strength and courage may not fail; heal me according to your will; and help me always to believe that what happens to me here is of little account if you hold me in eternal life, my Lord and my God. Amen.


Lord, lift me up for Your blessings today. I pray that you will anoint me with strength and self care today, tomorrow, and always. I pray that You will grace me with patience and wisdom. I pray that You will encourage me throughout the day to take the correct steps to walk proudly, and behave well. I pray all of these things in Your name. Amen.

— Unknown

Prayers for Friends

Father, I thank You for the gift of friendship I share with him or her. Although I do not know what my friend is going through, I rest calmly because I know that Your Grace covers all problems. Father, please do not let them drown in darkness. May they meet You and find happiness. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. -Unknown

Prayer for Perseverance

Holy Lord, Thank You for grace. Please help me move beyond the hurdles that trip me up and give me the strength and wisdom to look up and see the hope I run toward in Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Gwen Smith

Prayer of Gratitude for God’s Protection

Almighty and merciful God, I humbly and heartily thank you for your loving kindness and tender mercies, that you have heard my humble prayer, and graciously delivered me from my trouble and misery.

Give me the help of your grace that I may obediently walk in your holy commandments, and lead a sober, righteous, and godly life, always remembering your mercies and the blessings you have undeservedly bestowed on me, that I may continually offer you a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Prayer for Peace

Father God, my heart is filled with chaos and confusion. I feel as if I am drowning in my circumstances and my heart is filled with fear and confusion. I really need the strength and peace that only You can give. Right now, I choose to rest in You. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen. ~ Mary Southerland.

Prayer for Self Control

Father, today I ask forgiveness of all the negative and harmful words I have spoken about myself. I do not want to abuse myself in such a way again. Transform my thoughts and let me understand how marvelously you made me. Change my habits so I use my tongue to speak hope and favor upon my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ~ Sarah Coleman

Prayer for the Broken-Hearted

Lord, my heart is broken but You are near. My spirit is crushed, but You are my rescuer. Your Word is my hope. It revives me and comforts me in especially now. My soul faints, but you are the breath of life within me. You are my help, the One who sustains me. I am weak but You are strong. You bless those who mourn, and I trust You to bless me and my family with all that we need. You will rescue me from this dark cloud of despair because You delight in me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Jennifer White

Prayer for God’s Direction

Lord, help me not to lean on my own understanding but in everything acknowledge You so that You can direct my words, thoughts and actions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Sharon Glasgow

Prayer for Loving Like Jesus

Father, I have to thank You for looking beyond my faults and for loving me unconditionally. Forgive me when I fail to love others in the same way. Give me eyes to see the needs of the difficult people in my life, and show me how to meet those needs in a way that pleases You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Mary Southerland

Prayer For Worry

Father, I am tempted to worry about so many things. Our world is a mess! Forgive me for focusing on anything or anyone but You. Thank You for the Bible that equips and empowers me to live each day. Right now, I declare that You are my only Hope. Please help me remember that You really are in control. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. – Mary Southerland

Prayer for God’s Strength

Lord, thank you for your greatness. Thank you that when I am weak, you are strong. Lord, the Devil is scheming and I know he desires to keep me from spending time with you. Don’t let him win! Give me a measure of your strength so that I might not give into discouragement, deception and doubt! Help me honor you in all my ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. – Debbie Przybylski

Prayer When Feeling Inadequate

Dear Lord, Thank You for fearfully and wonderfully creating each of us. Thank You for giving us worth in Your eyes. Help us live as the one You uniquely intended us to be. Help us abide instead of strive, living peacefully and joyfully as heirs to Your Kingdom and co-heirs with Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. – Julie Sunne

Prayer for Being Grateful

Father, I am so sorry for the way I complain about my circumstances. Please forgive me for my bad attitude when things don’t go my way. I want to see Your hand in every part of every day – good or bad. Help me learn how to face every storm with confidence, knowing that You really are in control even though I cannot hear Your voice or see Your hand at work. In Jesus Name, Amen. – Mary Southerland

Prayer of God’s Provision

Dear Father God, Thank You for Your unfailing love for me, Your blessings, and goodness. Thank You for Your faithfulness to guide me and see me through times of uncertainty, for lifting me up, and setting me on high. Thank You for Scripture that comforts and reminds me of Your promises, plan, and provision. Thank you for taking away my fears and worries, the what-ifs, and reminding me that my help comes from You. Help me be a good steward and to sow wisely. In Christ’s Name, Amen. – Renee Davis

Prayer for Confidence

Lord, help me let go of my fear of failure. I know Satan wants to use my fears to hold me back from living boldly for You. Forgive me for not living in faith, and help me from this moment on to live with bold confidence in You. Lord, help me not compare myself to others around me. I pray instead that I can keep my eye on You and live a life that proclaims Your excellence. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.Rick Warren

Prayer for a Heavy Heart

Lord, I want to lay before you all that weighs heavy on my heart. Reveal even the sin I am not aware of, Lord. I lay these at your feet and pray your forgiveness on me. I believe you when you say that you wash us whiter than snow. Thank you Lord for your unending love for me! Help me start fresh right now to make choices that honor you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.Rick Warren 

Protect Us in Marriage

Lord God, heavenly Father, we thank you that in your great mercy you have called us by your holy Word to the blessed marriage-feast of your Son and through Him you forgive us all our sins. Since we are daily afflicted by temptations, offense, and danger and since we are weak and inclined to sin, protect us by your Holy Spirit so we do not fall.

If we do fall and defile the wedding-garment which your Son has given us, graciously restore us and preserve in us a constant faith in your grace; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one true God, now and forever.  Veit Dietrich


Blessed Jesus, in the comfort of your love, I lay before you the memories that haunt me, the anxieties that perplex me, the despair that frightens me, and my frustration at my inability to think clearly. Help me to discover your forgiveness in my memories and know your peace in my distress. Touch me, O Lord, and fill me with your light and your hope. Amen.

— Enriching Our Worship 2


Dear God, I know that the first step in all spiritual healing is to believe. I believe! I open my mind and heart believing in your infinite power and possibility. I believe that healing is a dynamic and reachable experience, a reality that can be experienced right now. I maintain a patient and loving attitude, for I believe that your healing activity is now at work in my mind and body. I look forward, with joyful expectation, to the perfect wholeness that you are now bringing into manifestation through me. I believe in your constant expression of perfect good in and through me. I rest in the certainty of your healing power. I know that with you all things are possible. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

— Unknown

Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family

Lord, I pray for your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my kids (grandkids). Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. I pray You will guard their minds against harmful instruction, and grant them discernment to recognize the truth. I pray You will make them strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help them to find rest in Your shadow, as they live in the spiritual shelter You provide for them. Let them know that the only safe place is in Jesus and that their home on earth is only temporary.  – by Rebecca Barlow Jordan

A Morning Prayer

Lord, may nothing separate me from You today. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You. Help me walk by the Word and not my feelings. Help me to keep my heart pure and undivided. Protect me from my own careless thoughts, words, and actions. And keep me from being distracted by MY wants, MY desires, MY thoughts on how things should be.

Help me to embrace what comes my way as an opportunity…rather than a personal inconvenience.

And finally, help me to live in the truth of Psalm 86:13, “Great is your love toward me.” Amen.

-Lysa Terkeurst

Prayers for Guidance and Protection

Lord, keep our eyes open and hearts aware of all that you have done for us. Help us to be like the one leper Jesus healed, that turned back to that Him for what he had done. Please protect us from becoming like the other lepers who forgot to be grateful. Help us to notice the goodness and be grateful for it. -Marie Osborne

Prayer for Divine Help and Protection

You are our helper, Mighty One. and you are no respecter of persons. Help all your people bought with the precious blood of Christ.

You are our fortress and defender. No one can snatch us from your hand. There is no other God like you. In you we trust.

Sanctify us through your truth. Your Word is truth.

Preserve us and all your people from injury and deceit, from fear of the enemy, from the arrow that flies by day, and the trouble that walks in the darkness, and grant us eternal life in Christ, your Son, our Lord and Savior. Amen

Prayers for Parents

Lord Almighty, I want to take the time to offer my prayers for my family. I am unworthy of all the great blessings You generously gave me. Most importantly, the blessing of having people whom I can call my family. Because of them, I have a home to return to after a long day. Undoubtedly, I feel welcome each time and I thank You for placing me in a household with a name and a family. Lord, thank You so much for this. No material thing on Earth can amount to this blessing.

In addition to this, I am praying that this family stays faithful to You. No matter where we go, may we never forget how You perfectly blessed us with each other. At times when loneliness and anger stay in our hearts, Father, may we recognize Your Voice calling us. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. -Unknown

 Prayer for Our Children

Father, with how the world is moving nowadays, I am praying for Your Guidance. Without a doubt, You are Love. Therefore, I pray that my family and I won’t forget what love truly means. May You keep us away from false teachings of how love should look like. Especially for the younger members of my family and friends, I pray that they won’t get caught with false images claiming to be love. Father, I pray that this family remains devoted to You alone. This I pray, in Jesus’ Name, Amen. -Corinthians 13: 4-8

Thanksgiving for God’s Protection

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me and reminding me of Your Truth. Help me keep my eyes on You, especially in times of rejection. May I remember that You can use all things for my good and Your glory. Give me a heart that trusts, and take away the desire to lean on my own understanding. Thank You for Your protection, provision, and presence! In Jesus’ name, Amen. – Kill Beran

Prayers for Salvation

Pray that God would circumcise their hearts. Circumcision was the Old Testament sign of entering into God’s covenant, of being God’s people. To have a circumcised heart symbolizes having a heart that is fully joined to God, fully submissive to him. “And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live”. Deuteronomy 30:6

Prayers For You

Pray for them faithfully and persistently. Our temptation is to grow discouraged in prayer, to pray for a while and, when we see no visible results, to give up. But God calls us to persevere in prayer. “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving”. – Colossians 4:2

Pray for a burden to plead for their souls. Paul was willing to tell the church at Rome of his great longing to see the salvation of the lost. Do you share this deep longing? Pray that God would give you a great burden for souls. “Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved”. -Romans 10:1

Prayer for Special Protection from Temptation

O God, you do not desire the death of a sinner. Protect with your heavenly aid those who may now be exposed to special temptations. Grant that in the fulfillment of your commandments they may be strengthened by the assistance of your grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Christians Are The Best People Period!

I am sick and tired of people, especially atheists, always putting down and making fun of Christians.

The fact of the matter is that Christians are the nicest, most kind, and most giving people in the world! We care more about others than we care about ourselves. So why the heck do non-Christians laugh at us for believing in God?

It’s because they are scared of what will happen to them one day and would rather bury their heads in the sand so that they can lie to themselves so they can live in sin and do whatever they want while on Earth.

Christians do not “mock” or laugh at atheists. We know they are wrong, but we allow them to believe what they want.

Sorry for the rant, but I’m sick of people hating on really amazing people.

If You Were Drew Brees, What Would You Say?: Thoughts on a Faux Controversy

“Controversy erupts around Drew Brees,” proclaimed news outlets on Friday, the very same news outlets who erupted the controversy engulfing one of the NFL’s best quarterbacks.

Here’s the story: In a short video, Brees encouraged students to participate in Focus on the Family’s “Bring Your Bible to School” project. He never once mentioned anything about sexual orientation or gender identity since, well, that’s not what Bring Your Bible to School Day is all about. To my knowledge, Brees has never spoken publicly on LGBTQ issues. He really didn’t clarify his views even on Friday, when he was forced to respond to the “erupting controversy.”

Perhaps Brees hasn’t talked much about LGBTQ issues because, well, he’s a football player, and that’s not what football is about. Or perhaps he’s realized, as a public figure who is also a Christian, what would happen if his views were revealed as anything less than a full-throated endorsement of the new sexual orthodoxy.

Either way, Brees seemed honestly surprised by his presumed guilt simply because of a connection to this Focus on the Family project. That in and of itself is a lesson for all of us.

Theologian N.T. Wright suggests that Christians need to ask the question “What time is it?” meaning that Christians should understand where they are in redemptive history – within the overarching historical framework the Scriptures present from the creation to the new creation. I’d add that Christians should also ask the question “What time is it?” also in regard to what cultural moment do we live in? What is being asked and expected of people of faith now, in this time and in this place?

Friday’s Washington Post article on Drew Brees is a case in point. Widely assumed by many, especially by Allyson Chiu in the Washington Post piece, is that even associating with anyone who holds less-than-affirming views on LGBTQ issues is no longer acceptable, even if the association is completely unrelated to LGBTQ issues in any way. No argument was offered by Chiu or any other critic as to why this is now the case. It was almost as if no argument was necessary.

That’s more than a little frustrating, because as one blogger noted recently, any movement that spends years trying to shut down a Denver bakery and discredit a chicken sandwich restaurant is a movement that has, long ago, run out of real injustices to fight. This second-degree-of-separation guilt-by-association campaign against Brees indicates that the gatekeepers of the LGBTQ movement have moved on, and are now demanding that everything, and I mean everything—from football to business to education to politics to Stranger Things—has to be about this.

As Focus on the Family Jim Daly demonstrated so well in his response to this nonsense, Christians should resist the demand to frame every issue of life and culture around LGBTQ issues. There’s so much more to life than this.

It’s strange that Christians are constantly being asked why we spend so much time talking about sex. But we aren’t the ones turning reality upside down, making this the one issue that every other issue has to be about.

On the other hand, as Mr. Brees found out, we won’t always be able to sit this one out. If you are even perceived as being on the “wrong side of history,” it may not matter how nice you are. That means that in this time and in this place, we’ll have to be ready to speak to those issues when appropriate or unavoidable.

Christians, what time is it? It’s post-sexual revolution, a time in human history in which nearly everything about life and our life together, from our understanding of right and wrong to our understanding of what it means to be human, has been reimagined along the lines of sexuality.

If you were Drew Brees, targeted because of a completely unrelated story about your opinion on homosexuality or gender, what would you say? Too many Christians are unprepared for the tough questions that, like it or not, are inevitable in this time and this place.

But there are answers. And last week, the Colson Center launched a new video series to help. It’s called “What Would You Say?” and it provides understandable, repeatable, and convincing answers to the hardest cultural questions.

In Other Christian News:

Exodus Error Causing Your Pain?

If you’ve read your Bible, then you know that in Biblical Times…

Folks lived much longer, didn’t suffer from modern diseases…

And were healthy, vibrant, and pain free until the day they died.

Which was often well beyond 100 years of age.

But why did it all change?

Well a controversial Pastor out of Colorado…

Believes he’s stumbled upon the very cause…

A 2,300 year old “error in the book of Exodus” he says.

“Not only did this error change what it meant for me to be a Christian…

But it also saved my wife’s life from arthritis and chronic pain,” said the pastor.

When I looked at pastor Andrew’s video… I was skeptical…

But the undeniable Biblical evidence…

And scientific proof he provides…

Made me realize he’s onto something BIG…

Because this “Exodus Error” ironically could lead to the reversal of diabetes, painful arthritis…

And could even fight deadly cancer cells.

Which is why Big Pharma is trying to censor Pastor Andrew’s message from the general public…

And why you should watch his controversial video right now while you still can.

Click here to discover the Exodus Error that could wipe away your pain and suffering.


P.S. Because the nature of this message is based on the Word of God…

The secular media and FAKE News Pundits want to censor it…

Which is why you must watch this video right now, before it gets taken down forever.

Click here to watch this video before it’s banned forever!

States See an Increase in Women Crossing State Lines for Late-Term Abortions

Though abortions across the U.S. are down, a recent article by the Associated Press highlighted women crossing state lines to seek late-term abortions, noting that some states have experienced a major uptick.

New Mexico is one of those states, having experienced the highest increase in women crossing state lines to seek an abortion with a 158% jump between 2012 and 2017.

The New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, a faith-based group, believes that abortion is a “deeply personal” decision and each woman should be given the right to make such a choice. The coalition assists an average of 100 women a year with their abortion and many of its 55 volunteers even open their homes to these women.

Executive director Joan Lamunyon Sanford believes her group “is doing what faith communities have always done: ‘Care for the stranger and welcome the traveler.’”

Beth Vial, a 22-year-old college student, was one of the women the coalition assisted. Due to a medical condition, she didn’t realize she was pregnant until she was 26 weeks into her pregnancy. Living in Oregon, she was unable to acquire an abortion, so she drove to Albuquerque for her abortion.

In response to the AP article, conservative political commentator Autumn Johnson tweeted her own story of being born at 26 weeks, the same age Vial aborted her child, as reported by Faithwire.

“Although I was born months early, miraculously everything was fully developed and I was born without any health issues,” Johnson told Faithwire. “Seeing the AP story truly broke my heart. Knowing that a woman chose to end the life of her child during the same period of gestation that I was born left me devastated, and it happens every day.”

Nearly 70% of children born at 26 weeks can live.

“I think of the life and experiences that I have had at just 23 years old, and I mourn those who will never have that chance because their mother chose abortion,” she said. “I hope stories like mine remind expecting mothers that their unborn child is a human being made in the image of God.”

Despite the article, however, a recent poll released earlier this year showed that a majority of Americans believe late-term abortions should be criminalized. Over 70% of respondents, including Democrats and young people, agreed that abortion should be illegal during the third trimester of pregnancy.

In Other Christian News:

FAKE News Pundits want to censor the Holy Bible

If you’ve read your Bible, then you know that in Biblical Times…

Folks lived much longer, didn’t suffer from modern diseases…

And were healthy, vibrant, and pain free until the day they died.

Which was often well beyond 100 years of age.

But why did it all change?

Well a controversial Pastor out of Colorado…

Believes he’s stumbled upon the very cause…

A 2,300 year old “error in the book of Exodus” he says.

“Not only did this error change what it meant for me to be a Christian…

But it also saved my wife’s life from arthritis and chronic pain,” said the pastor.

When I looked at pastor Andrew’s video… I was skeptical…

But the undeniable Biblical evidence…

And scientific proof he provides…

Made me realize he’s onto something BIG…

Because this “Exodus Error” ironically could lead to the reversal of diabetes, painful arthritis…

And could even fight deadly cancer cells.

Which is why Big Pharma is trying to censor Pastor Andrew’s message from the general public…

And why you should watch his controversial video right now while you still can.

Click here to discover the Exodus Error that could wipe away your pain and suffering.


P.S. Because the nature of this message is based on the Word of God…

The secular media and FAKE News Pundits want to censor it…

Which is why you must watch this video right now, before it gets taken down forever.

Click here to watch this video before it’s banned forever!

What God Told President Trump

Trump is on the attack again…

But it’s not against Nancy Pelosi or other liberal democrats…

It’s against the Big Pharma companies that profit from your pain and suffering.

And you won’t believe how he’s using THIS “Biblical Weapon” to disarm these powerful companies…

And usher in a new era of Spiritual and physical healing in America.

So if you’re sick and tired of paying big bucks for dangerous medications…

And tired of putting up with daily chronic pain…

Then you must see Trump’s Shocking Biblical Weapon…

That, by the way, is taking the medical world by storm…

Because it’s making most drugs, doctor’s visits, and expensive medical procedures…

Completely obsolete… which is why Big Pharma is doing everything they can to CENSOR Trump’s Biblical Weapon.

So CLICK HERE to WATCH all about Trump’s Biblical Weapon while you still can.


P.S. The secular media and FAKE News Pundits want to censor this message…

Which is why you must watch this video right now, before it gets taken down forever.

Christian’s Under Attack By Extreme Socialist Left!

Christian’s Under Attack By Extreme Socialist Left!

To Devoted Christians Everywhere: This imprtant video is about to be banned by the Extreme Socialist Left!

Please watch this very important Christian video that reveals Hitler’s darkest secret and the biblical weapon he ravaged Poland for, and how this “hidden weapon” could be the missing link to healing and longevity.

Click here to watch this video before it’s banned!

These Leading Companies Are Rooted in Christian Beliefs — and You Never Even Knew It

There are some companies who are well-known to be deeply religious. Chick-fil-A, for example, demonstrates its openly Christian ethos through refusing to open on Sundays.

Other businesses, however, are a little more subtle about their roots in the faith. So what are some of these businesses that have Christ at the center of their operations, and yet you had no idea?

    Tyson Foods is the world’s second-largest processor and marketer of popular foods such as chicken, beef and pork. According to its website, the company employs a Christian ethos by seeking to “pursue truth and integrity,” and is “committed to creating value for our shareholders, our customers, our team members, and our communities.”

Not only this, but the company’s founder, John Tyson, has spoken candidly about his desire to “strive to honor God” in his business and “be a faith-friendly company.”

That’s right, your favorite premium shoemaker is a company steeped in Christian values. The firm’s CEO Jeff Swartz, has become internationally-renowned for his commitment to social responsibility and ethical manufacturing, even if it means sacrificing some profit margins.

“I can’t show you the scripture that relates to the rights of a worker, but I can show you text that insists upon treating others with dignity,” he said in a 2008 Fast Company profile. “It says in the Hebrew Bible one time that you should love your neighbor as yourself, but it says dozens of times that you shall treat the stranger with dignity,” Swartz said.

3.Interstate Batteries
Texas-based battery company, Interstate, has become a leader in the field of electrical power source distribution. From small, humble beginnings in the 1950s, the company has grown exponentially – in 2017, Interstate sold a staggering 18 million batteries in just a single year. One little-known fact about the firm, however, is its solidly Christian backbone. Indeed, according to Beacon Wealth, the company’s mission statement declares its core aim as being to “glorify God as we supply our customers worldwide with top quality, value-priced batteries, related electrical power-source products, and distribution services.”

    The famed pretzel-maker Anne Beiler started her business back in 1988, and has been committed to running an ethical and people-centered business ever since. “From day one 30 years ago, giving back has been woven into the fabric of the company,” the business states on its website.

What you might not know, however, is that Anne herself is a devout Christian and the driving force behind the company’s Christ-centered mission. “Without God, there would be no Auntie Anne’s today. I can say that with confidence,” she told the Christian Post as Christian Headlines preciously reported.

Selling the company back in 2005, Beiler is now a popular speaker on the topics of leadership, purpose and faith.

“I know now that life is hard, and God is good. I don’t get it reversed anymore,” she added in her comments to CP. “God gave me a pretzel first, and then a platform to share my story — all for His glory.”

It is amazing to think that some of the most successful companies in the world are pursuing Jesus as their ultimate goal. May we be encouraged and inspired by their example today!


VeggieTales Co-Creator Says Christian TV Shows Will Soon Need to Address LGBT Issues

The co-creator of VeggieTales says Christian television programming will one day have to address LGBT issues on their shows.

Phil Vischer told the Christian Post that those topics are going “to show up more and more.”

“Parents are definitely going to have to deal with a growing LGBT presence in children’s media,” Vischer said.

“It’s going to show up more and more as the world has decided that LGBT issues are in the same categories as race and civil rights issues. So to say you shouldn’t have a same-sex couple on Sesame Street is the equivalent of saying you shouldn’t have a black couple on Sesame Street.”

Vischer said there are already many shows addressing LGBT issues. In 2017, the children’s Disney show Doc McStuffins aired an episode that featured a same-sex couple of two mothers, CBN News reports.

Also, as Christian Headlines previously reported, this year the PBS show Arthur showed Arthur and his friends attending their teacher’s gay wedding. One character told the group at the wedding, “Yep, it’s a brand new world.”

Vischer said he worried that none of the characters were portrayed as questioning the wedding.

“The most striking thing about that episode of Arthur wasn’t that they thought it was time to introduce kids to gay marriage; it was the reaction of all the kids on the show,” he said. “None of them asked questions about why two men were getting married. Their reaction was, ‘Oh, OK! Great!'”

He said it will not be long before Christian shows may have to take on the topics.

“I think it will have to be addressed at some point; I do think it’s a matter of time,” he told the Post. “It’s tricky because it’s so divisive.

“I think it would be difficult for a couple of reasons. First: the nuance of how to treat LGBT issues isn’t agreed upon within the Church; and secondly, some parents may want to have that talk with their kids.”
